Narendra Modi was in Jammu to address the people of J&K through the Lalkar rally that was attended by a crowd of thousands, huddled inside the MA Stadium located in the heart of the city. In his address, Narendra Modi envisioned the steps that need to be taken to bring the troubled state of J&K back on track and address the problems that have plagued the people of the State since long.
Strengthening of social infrastructure in the State
Modi stressed the need for strengthening the social infrastructure of J&K that can directly contribute in elevating the quality of life of the people. He especially stressed on providing quality education to the youth, by setting up world class higher education institutes like IIM’s and IIT’s in the State. Quality education will open up new avenues for the youth, who currently have to venture outside J&K to seek higher education, as the options available to them within the State are quite limited. If the youth of the State are given a proper platform to sculpt their future in a constructive manner, it will definitely help to nullify the gun culture and the scars of violence that has affected J&K badly, especially the youth. Setting up quality educational institutes in the State will help the people secure their future and equipped them for pursuing a life that they aspire to.
On similar lines, Modi also said that nobody thought about setting up a film institute in J&K, even though a number of films have been shot in the State, particularly in the Kashmir valley. If such institutes are set up in the State, not only will it help to normalise the situation, it will also contribute in nudging the State towards the mainstream.
Encouraging sustainable trade and industry
In the Lalkar rally, Modi said that J&K is not a beggar State and people of the State are ready to die for the nation. However, due to the directionless policies of the Centre, no initiatives had been taken to promote and encourage setting up of sustainable trade and industry in the State. Presently, J&K is dependent on the subsidies being provided by the Centre even for meeting the basic financial requirements of the State like paying of salaries to the Government employees. This is sad since nothing has been done to improve the investment climate in J&K. Steps need to be taken to encourage trade and commerce in the State so that it can fulfill its own financial needs. To achieve this, Modi gave the example of routing the Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra through Ladakh which borders China. This will encourage trade in the State.
Modi also commented about the rise in use of herbal medicines all over the world, and that instead of preferring chemicals in drugs, people are turning towards herbal and natural ingredients in medicines. J&K has ample scope of cultivating herbs and converting such herbs into medicines by setting up of suitable industries. Setting up such industries will help people avail new opportunities for employment and also stimulate development of the infrastructure.
Nurturing tourism
Narendra Modi commented that no steps have been taken till now to encourage tourism in J&K. A large chunk of the tourists go to Himachal Pradesh and ultimately that is Kashmir’s loss. Since tourism is one of the main industries of the State, steps should be taken to encourage tourism in J&K. Tourism has the potential to trigger the development of many other industries as well. More influx of tourists will also generate more sales for the handicrafts and other famed products of the State, leading to economic prosperity and growth. When a number of opportunities are provided to the people to grow and achieve prosperity, it will have a positive impact on the overall situation of this State, leading to a lasting peace and an atmosphere of harmony.
There is a large influx of people to J&K, mainly for religious tourism, as they visit the Mata Vaishnao Devi Shrine and the Amarnath Cave. If steps are taken to convert this influx of people for religious tourism in other areas as well, it will give a huge boost to the economy of the State.
Debate on merits and demerits of Article 370
Narendra Modi said there was a pressing need for a constructive debate on the merits and demerits of Article 370 and due to the misuse of Article 370 people of J&K have been suffering a lot. Under the guise of protecting the special status of J&K, there is no accountability of the State Government to the people, especially in the manner funds are being spent on development. Due to this, corruption has thrived in J&K and it has become a problem of enormous proportions. Critical laws are not applicable in J&K because of the provisions under Article 370. This endemic corruption and inefficiency of the State Government is the root of all the troubles of the people of J&K.
Also, due to Article 370, the women of the State are not accorded the same status as men, and the rights of women have been curtailed. In addition, economically weaker sections like Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have not been given proper representation in the mainstream because of Article 370. Modi remarked that only some select families in the State have benefited from this situation, while the people of J&K have had no respite from their problems. Hence, there needs to be an intensive and a constructive debate on Article 370 so that people get a chance to integrate fully with the Indian mainstream and get ample chances for development and progress.

Providing proactive and efficient governance to the people
The State administration has no accountability and there is rampant corruption in J&K due to the misuse of the special status given to the State. This has led to poor governance and an inefficient system that encourages dependence and discourages innovation and development. People of J&K need a responsive Government and an administration that is accountable to the people. An efficient Government that is equipped to deal with the issues and problems that the people of the State have been facing, is lacking in J&K. Unless the rampant corruption that has engulfed the entire State is removed, people will not be able to taste the fruits of development and prosperity. Hence, providing proactive and efficient governance to the people of J&K is need of the hour and should be the priority of its leaders.
Such a constructive and a novel approach is needed to transform the fortunes of the people of J&K. The people of J&K have long suffered under violence, bloodshed and an indifferent administration. The time is ripe for stating a new chapter of progress and development in J&K – one that gives a sense of hope to its people and something to look forward to.
Source: Niticentral Website

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